Richard W. Bushey - Piano Tuner/Technician
1694 N. State Hwy 125, Strafford, Mo. 65757

(417) 294-3377 - mobile     or     (417) 831-0749
Associate Member of the
Piano Technician's Guild

"make a joyful noise..."
Locally Licensed
   and Insured

Mulitiple piano discount (same location only)
Action Reconditioning
Piano Regulation
Piano Repairs
Piano Tuning
Quality, Friendly Service
What I Offer
My Rates
Tuning Rates
(New rates effective January1, 2024)
(back to Rates Quick Glance Page)
If your piano has been regularly maintained, you can expect to pay for a Basic Fine Tuning ($150) + any Other Potential Costs (see below). However, depending on the condition of your piano, an additional 1, 2, or 3 Pre-tuning Pitch Correction(s) ($40-$120) may be be necessary (usually within the SAME visit if time and funds permit) to bring your instrument to standard A=440 pitch before a fine tuning can be accomplished.

I will always notify you (and show you) when any Pre-tuning Pitch Corrections are necessary before I begin any work. See now if you might need a pitch correction.

Regular Tuning Rate:$150

(See rates page for more details)
Select a category below (1, 2, or 3) that best fits your situation.

Then add any Other Potential Costs to that  to get an idea what your total cost might be.

"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional, just wait until you hire an amateur!"
- Unknown
1) Tuning Service for Regularly Maintained Pianos:

Fine Tuning - $150.00 (effective Jan. 1, 2024)

This is your total cost, assuming that the piano is in tunable condition, no additional repair work is needed prior to tuning, the piano is no more than 8 cents sharp or flat of standard pitch (A=440) (2 cents or less for concert work), and you are within my normal 30 mile radius service area (see below).
Most regularly maintained pianos tuned once or twice per year would fall into this category.

--------------------     OR     --------------------

2) Tuning Service for Occasionally Maintained Pianos:

1 Pre-tuning Pitch Correction $40 + 1 Fine Tuning $150 = $190
This is your total cost, assuming that the piano is in tunable condition, no additional repair work is needed prior to tuning, the piano is between 8 and 25 cents sharp or flat of standard pitch (A=440), and you are within my normal 30 mile radius service area (see below).

Note: Most new clients who haven't had their piano serviced in the last couple years fall into this category.

--------------------     OR     --------------------

3) Tuning Service for Badly Neglected Pianos:

2 or 3 Pre-tuning Pitch Corrections $80 - $120
+ 1 Fine Tuning $150.00 =
$230 - $270

For pianos more than 25 cents flat (almost never sharp by this much), this is the total cost range, assuming that the piano is in tunable condition, no additional repair work is needed prior to tuning, and you are within my normal 30 mile radius service area (see below). Typically, pianos that have been neglected for many years fall into this category. A piano that is 25-75 cents flat will need 2 Pre-tunings. A piano 75 - 125 cents flat would need 3 Pre-tunings prior to a "Fine Tuning". (More than 125 cents 4 Pre-tunings) 
Note: I say "Fine Tuning" loosly because even though I can tune a piano in this condition to sound musical today, it will only become more stable and hold its tune better after regular tunings have been established. Don't expect perfection today. We're making up for many years of neglect. Because of the extent of work needed, (cost and time involved) it may be necessary  to bring pitch up in a couple visits.

--------------------     OR    --------------------

4) D.O.A. - Dead On Arrival Pianos:
$85.00 (min. service call) plus any applicable
Out of Service Area Fee
Sometimes a piano will have serious structural problems and conditions that will not permit it to be tuned properly, or its overall condition is so poor that it would be unethical to encourage the customer to put any additional money into it. At that point, the piano has out-lived its usefulness and the owner should consider replacing it with an instrument of better quality.  

Note: I do not offer disposal services. You can haul them to the Springfield Landfill. Last I took one, they charged $20 for up to 800lbs.

I accept:

Credit Cards*

Square Chip Card Reader

*Note: A Swipe Fee of 2.75% will be added for this service.

Other Potential Costs

Basic Service Call (non-tuning):
(Usually repair, regulation, or consultation-only visits)
This charge covers basic travel expenses and guarantees a 1 hr. minimum labor charge when called out for a consultation, inspection, repair or regulation work when no tuning is performed, or if the piano is D.O.A. (Dead on Arrival) and cannot be tuned. Includes 1st hour work. Any additional time is calculated per the below labor rate.

* This is in place of...NOT added to a regular tuning fee, when tuning is performed.
Out of Service Area Fees still apply when applicable.

Repair/Regulation labor rate:
Charged if and when repairs and/or regulation are needed that require more than what I can fit into a normal 2 hour tuning visit. Often, during a tuning visit, very minor repairs and minor regulation adjustments can be included at no additional charge. However, if additional time and charges are expected, I will let you know before the work is done. Labor is charged in 15 min. increments (after 1st hr. minimum on basic service calls).   
Most parts, and all accessories, are extra.

Out of Service Area Fee:
$2.00/mile (one way)
(for distances over 30 miles away)
See my service area map and examples below.

Debit and Credit Card Swipe Fees:
(I prefer Cash or Check, but do accept all major credit cards including: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and UnionPay)

A 3% + 30 cent Swipe fee applies to all Debit and Credit Card transactions.
I use Square Chip reader.



Multiple piano discount (same client, same or very near location)
(Sorry, discount doesn't apply for multiple customers in the same town, although appreciated.  I can, however (at my discretion), split any out-of-service area fees between those in the same town if locations are close enough to each other). .

(All discounts apply to the main tuning rate only.  Regular rates apply for pitch corrections, repair or regulation work)

My Approximate Normal Service Area
(30 miles radius)
(Shaded area is only approximate.  I go by odometer reading, therefore, some areas within the shaded area that do not have straight routes to my home will be an Out of Service Area Fee accordingly). 
Out of Service Area Fee Examples
Example: If you live 50 miles away, you pay an additional $40 Out of Service Area Fee for the additional 20 miles beyond my normal 30 mile service area.
20 miles Out of Service Area Fee
@ $2.00/mi. (one way)
50 total miles (one way)
30 FREE miles
Out of Service Area Fee for this example = $40.00

The easiest way to figure my Out of Service Area Fee:
1) Find the distance from the YY (Division St.) and Hwy 125 intersection in Strafford, Mo. to your house (one way)
2) Subtract 30 from the total distance.
3) Multiply that number by $2.
That's will be the Out of Service Area Fee.

(More specifically, use: 1694 N. State Hwy 125, Strafford, Mo. 65757 if using google maps for your calculation)  

Example 1: 50 (total miles one way) - 30 (free miles) = 20
20 x $2 = $40
Example 2: 85 (total miles one way) - 30 (free miles) =  55
55 x $2 = $110

 Do I need a Pre-tuning Pitch Correction?

To get an idea if your piano will need a pitch adustment, click on the play buttons below and compare these tones to your A49 (A above middle C which is the 49th key from the bottom of the piano-including black notes). Your A should match A=440 pretty closely. If it matches the 50 cents flat or the 100 cents flat tone closer, you will definitely need a pitch correction before your piano can be musically tuned to standard pitch.

Listen to
A-440 Now!
(10 sec.)
(Standard Pitch)

Moving Rates:

I am currently referring all piano moves to Piano Craft in Springfield.

Spinets / Consoles / Studios (up to 48" tall)
Currently I don't move!
$150 First 25 miles (stop to stop)
+ $4/mile (one way) additional miles
+ Maneuvers (Prices Vary)

Large Uprights / Baby Grands (5'6'' or less)
Currently I don't move!
$200 First 25 miles (stop to stop)
+ $4/mile (one way) additional miles
+ Maneuvers (Prices Vary)

Full Size "Parlor" Grands (5'6" to 6'6")

Currently I don't move!

Concert Grands (6'6"and over) or Square Grands

Currently I don't move!

Above prices are for local moves less than 150 mi (one way) and 3 or less stairs at each location. I only use ramps for stairs. If it can't be ramped with either a 5' or 8' ramp, or (combination of the two sometimes), I won't move it..

Visit my Moving page for more info.

Call (417) 294-3377 or email for a tuning!
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